
Web3 Integration Engineer

What’s a Rich Text element?

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What is the job?

Web3 is the next evolution of the internet and is transforming digital ownership, identity, and interactions. It refers to a new layer of products and services for the internet built with decentralized networks, cryptography, tokens, smart contracts, and public ledgers that create a more transparent, secure, and user-centric internet where users control their data and digital assets.

Radix delivers a radically better stack of technologies to build a Web3 future that is accessible and intuitive to everyone, but regardless of how powerful and flexible you build a platform, at the end of the day the success of Radix depends on how it interacts with other projects in the space.

Would you thrive in a place where you participate in integration of a wide variety of crypto services like exchanges, oracles and bridges?

As a Web3 Integration Engineer, you will be part of the Integrations and Data Engineering team, and your role will play a key part in enabling the growth of the Radix Web3 ecosystem. You will be working with second-to-none engineers in multiple teams to ensure that our external partners have the best possible experience coming to grips with the Radix stack. You’ll have a high degree of autonomy, and you’ll need it, as your work will be highly varied. Some of it will be externally facing—writing custom tools to help our partners, building libraries, improving documentation, answering questions, creating example prototypes, and more.  And some will be internally focused, like building new data driven services, ranging from price feeds to data ingestion and analytics.

You will have the opportunity to grow your technical knowledge and have unique visibility on the crypto ecosystem that is building around Radix. You’ll gain insight on the operation of on-chain oracles, exchanges, automated market makers and more. And best of all, you’ll be working with a team of high performers that you can always rely on to pull their share of the load and serve as a great sounding board when you get stuck.

Who are we looking for?

  • You reliably get a warm glow every time you get a ‘Hello World’ interaction working between two different systems.
  • You’re a jack of all trades. You can program a bit, script a bit, sysadmin a bit, you have a handle on basic database stuff—and you’re able to learn more as needed.
  • You’re entirely comfortable with high-level directions like “check out this project’s site and figure out if it’s able to supply that kind of information, and then automate pulling it in.”
  • You like learning, and you like to do new things. The thought of tackling something you don’t yet know how to do is invigorating, not intimidating.
  • Our company values resonate with you - Ask for help, get shit done. Be excellent to each other. Take initiative, you’ve got this. Do the right thing, not the easy thing. Strong opinions, loosely held.

What do you need?

  • You have been around tech for a while and have worn many hats.
  • You are autonomous and are able to take a task from requirements to production. This can include writing code, tests, setting up CI/CD pipelines (we use Github actions) and writing Helm charts.
  • We use Docker, Kubernetes and Helm charts and a variety of cloud platforms (AWS/GCP), so we’d like to see demonstrable knowledge.
  • You would need to be familiar with DevOps principles and practices, including monitoring (Prometheus and Grafana).
  • You must have coding experience with Python and/or Typescript.
  • Being comfortable speaking & presenting to technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Being comfortable taking the initiative and enjoying solving problems by using your technical knowledge.
  • Technically we would like to see experience with Linux & working in, deploying, and troubleshooting Node.js/C#/Java based solutions.
  • Being comfortable supporting & working with external clients.
  • Bonus if you are familiar with Apache Airflow.

What is the Integrations and Data Engineering team?

Here are some examples of what the team has been working on so that you have a better idea of what the job is:

Who are we?

At RDX Works, we're a team of like-minded thinkers who have long been convinced that we're living in the earliest stages of a global financial revolution. This revolution is being fuelled by decentralized finance (or DeFi for short), which is enabling an assortment of pioneering developers and entrepreneurs to re-invent almost every financial product that is currently traded and invested in traditional markets, without requiring central authorities or siloed infrastructure. DeFi has captured a great deal of attention and investment in the crypto-aware niche, growing assets under management from $1 billion to over $200 billion in a few years. Impressive as its growth has been, its current market size isn't even a rounding error on the over $400 trillion held in traditional finance. We're focused on what it will take to go from billions to trillions.

RDX went back to first principles to come up with the right technical solution—the first layer-one protocol built specifically for mainstream DeFi—and we have already tested out at over 1 million transactions per second. We're keenly aware that the need for an infinitely scalable platform is only one prerequisite among many for mass adoption, and we're also blazing new ground in the areas of purpose-built developer tools, user experiences, and regulatory integration.

We have forged a path deep into the future of what distributed ledger technology is going to look like and we need you to come and be part of the team that is making that happen right now.

If this job sounds like it was made for you, then please apply directly here or if you don’t have an up to date CV to apply with, please contact for more information.

Alternatively, if you feel like you don’t match all of the requirements, we would love you to still apply anyway. We understand that confidence gaps and imposter syndrome can get in the way of meeting incredible candidates and we wouldn’t want this to prevent us from meeting you; especially as we are big advocates of helping people learn & grow. This is also another reason we do not advertise salaries, we want to keep it as even a playing field as possible!